Episode 03: The (not so) middle place


The middle place. Many of us have been there. Maybe even all of us have been there at one time or another. It’s not a comfortable place. It’s the in-between. The feeling of dread in your gut.

One foot in, one foot out.

It’s also a grey place. We know what came before, but we can’t see what’s coming ahead. The narrative is fuzzy. In a place like this, really all you can do is sit with yourself. And trust.

For Tom, the middle place came unexpectedly, in the form of both receiving an extra week between chemo treatments, as well as the whole six months prior to that, where his numbers were declining (a very good thing), and he could allow himself to not spend every waking moment thinking about those numbers (and by proxy, his health.)

And then, just as suddenly as it came, it was gone. And now, a new, very unexpected feeling. The feeling of looking backwards at the middle place.

And longing for it.


An ending, an interlude


Episode 02: Memory is a fickle thing